Friday, May 22, 2009

Hitting the Brick Wall

Heart Solutions


written by Esther Hart

Inspirational Speaker and Freedom Coach

author of Journey to Personal Freedom

Issue # 2

Hitting the Brick Wall

In the late 1980s I gave a talk called Success Without Guilt. The response was overwhelming. For years afterward people would refer to the talk and say that they would never forget what I said. Lyn even recommended me to the Royal Bank to speak at a dinner recognizing graduates from one of their programs. I thought I had found my calling and the speaking engagements would come pouring in.


So I convinced myself that it had been an ego trip and that I was not meant to be on stage. A few years later I had the opportunity to re-evaluate my life. My marriage had ended, I was without a job and I was free to do whatever I chose with the rest of my life. I have never been so terrified. When you have lived your whole life living up to other people’s expectations it is frightening to start making all your decisions for yourself. Not only do you have to accept responsibility for your failures, you also have to accept responsibility for your successes.

I kept hearing “Live your passion and the rest will fall into place”. I wanted to live my passion but I couldn’t figure out what it was. Finally through a long process described in my book, Journey To Personal Freedom, I came to realize that speaking was my dream and that out of disappointment I had buried it very deeply. I realized also that I had not been ready before.

This time I put my full commitment behind becoming a world famous inspirational speaker. In July I contracted with Uncommonknowledge to represent me and we planned an event in Vancouver to kick off a national tour. I spoke to my angels and told them that I would prepare the work and they had to sell the tickets. I was finally on my way to fulfilling my mission.


Not enough tickets were sold and the event was cancelled.

It could have felt like hitting a brick wall. I could have been devastated, disappointed, discouraged, angry, furious, confused. Instead I sat on my couch and prayed, “There isn’t anyone on the planet more willing to do what they came here to do. Just show me what it is and I’ll do it.”

Part of the answer was to write this newsletter article to let people know that there is no shame in changing plans. When we are willing to do what is in our highest good and put our full commitment behind it, everything we do is perfect. Sometimes a closed door is to save us from a possible disaster. Sometimes a closed door is to redirect us to a much more rewarding situation.

I have stopped banging on closed doors. Instead I take the angels by the hand and let them guide me through open doors. I live every moment in joy knowing that everything that comes to me is a gift.

I know that my gift is to speak to people and I know that when the time is right the appropriate opportunities to speak to large audiences will present themselves. In the meantime I live every day sharing the joy of my freedom with everyone I meet. If I ever have a day when I feel that I would like to accomplish more, I do a meditation that radiates love to every part of the universe. In the end I know that sending out love is far more powerful than any speech I could give and I know that I am living my purpose.

We are all living our purpose every moment of every day. Live yours in joy.

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